Aim & Goal
The main function of the company is to provide higher technical education in nominal charges for every group of society of Urban & Rural areas all over India and get success in computer revolution which is the main dream of Indian Govt.
In present time, some big Institution run their one-year or more than one-year programme in higher charges. Due to which the middle class families of our societies cannot afford the load of their charges which is not good for the future of our youth and society. So our company studied their theme properly and decided to provide better higher technical education in computer making a foundation of "Abhimit Computer Saksharta Mission". This mission is run by the "Abhimit Computer Saksharta Mission" all over India.
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This question is often asked question and by each customer. However, we are ready to declare out program in transparent. That's the reason we are paying daily basis. This is only company which is having ISO & company running from 2018 you can also check online the domain registration date.
The basic requirement is computer typing knowledge. Further, you must have the computer knowledge of open the web pages and net surfing.